DPAG Parkinson’s researchers Dayne Beccano-Kelly, Siv Vingill and Nora Bengoa-Vergniory, along with OPDC administrator Melanie Witt travelled to the Royal Oak, Goodworth Clatford in Andover for a quiz night in aid of Parkinson’s research.
During the night, held on Wednesday 12 December, OPDC supporters Bobbie Coelho, Mary Doherty and Dawn Huntly presented a cheque for £1,500 to support their Parkinson’s work.
The funds have been raised by a number of events run by the team, including a regular car boot sale where they sell donated items to raise funds. Since 2008, the team have raised over £20,000!
"We were very proud to be able to attend and touched by the support from everyone in the pub, including the winning teams who donated their winnings and an extra £463 was raised on the night. It was a fantastic evening and we would like to thank Bobbie, Mary and Dawn, along with Mike and Kate Lawton, the excellent hosts at the pub for their support. We would also like to thank Bobbie for joining our team and saving us from coming last." - Dr Melanie Witt.
Bobbie, Mary and Dawn are long-time supporters of the OPDC. Read more about their past fundraising efforts here.