Handy to Know
Some bits of information that might come in handy during your first weeks and months.
Situated on the Sherrington first floor, Monday - Friday, 10am - 2pm, our cafe serves breakfast, lunch, sandwiches, cakes, tea & coffee and more. Find out more including the cafe menu on the University's cafe services website.
The Science Newsletter and the Community Gazette
These bi-weekly newsletters are sent to the whole Department and contain departmental news, events and announcements, and celebrate staff successes and achievements. Contact the Communications Officer if you want to include something in either newsletter by 1pm on Fridays.
Seminars and Talks
Oxford Talks is the University-wide database of seminars, events and talks. Browse the catalogue and choose from the huge number of speakers Oxford attracts. The Department also hosts a large number of prominent speakers across many seminar series. Visit the Seminars webpage to see what is coming up soon!
University Staff Gateway
The Staff Gateway is a useful portal for information, including details of salary scales, pay dates, and staff benefits.
Researcher Society
Run by and for research scientists, The Researcher Society aims to promote interactions between postdocs to create a friendly network of skills and expertise and to welcome new research staff to the Department. All postdocs, research assistants, lab technicians and other research staff will be added automatically to a mailing list when they start to be kept up to date with events etc. Contact: researcher.society@dpag.ox.ac.uk.
Hospitality at DPAG is hosted by Compass, the chosen provider of catering across the University. All hospitality bookings are made through their Planon system. If you would like access details for making catering bookings, please email Planon. Download Occasions at Oxford internal hospitality brochure.