“The 200th anniversary of James Parkinson’s essay which first described what he called “the shaking palsy” was the inspiration for our Parkinson’s 200 Plus conference,” explains Sally Bromley, Chair of Parkinson’s UK Oxford Branch. “PwP have set the conference agenda. Our message is that medicine alone will not sustain a healthy lifestyle. By providing opportunities for attendees to hear about others’ positive experiences, we will show how PwP can empower themselves to retain, even improve, their quality of life.”
The conference, which welcomes PwP, families, friends, carers and expert healthcare professionals, has been organized in close collaboration with Professor Chrystalina Antoniades and colleagues at Oxford University’s Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences.
“We are extremely fortunate that Oxford hosts internationally-recognised centres of excellence researching and treating Parkinson’s disease so this is the ideal venue for our conference,” comments Professor Antoniades. “Researchers from academia and charities will join clinicians to describe promising developments in our understanding and treatment of Parkinson’s. We hope that some PwP may be encouraged to participate in future ground-breaking research to help keep up the momentum.”
To learn more about the conference, and to register, go to www.parkinsons200plus.org.