OPDC Clinical Research Fellow Ludovica Griffanti was awarded a prize for the best poster at the 2017 Oxford Dementia Research day jointly organised by NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre and ARUK Oxford Local Network. The anual event featured talks celebrating the exciting research in the region including updates on some of the exciting big dementia research initiatives such as the ARUK Oxford Drug Discovery Institute, Dementia Platform UK, the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre and the Oxford Momentum Award.
Ludovica's research focuses on data collection, organisation and analysis of MRI data for people with Parkinson's and individuals at increased risk of developing Parkinson's later in life. Using novel multi-modal imaging techniques she will investigate whether measures of brain integrity can be used as biomarkers for Parkinson's.
Her winning poster was titled "White matter hyperintensities are unrelated to cognition in older-old patients with TIA/minor stroke".