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Monoamine transmission: mechanisms, microcircuits and modulation

Dopamine neurons and dendrites in SN and VTA

The neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain is critical to how we choose our everyday actions, by signaling our motivations and selecting appropriate movements. When dopamine function is disrupted, a range of psychomotor disorders can result that include addiction disorders and Parkinson’s disease. Also, dopamine operates in balance with a range of other neuromodulators such as acetylcholine, whose interactions remain incompletely understood.

Our work explores how dopamine function is governed and dysregulated and interacts with the complex neuromodulator landscape in real-time.

In a range of intersecting and collaborative projects, we are exploring:

  • How dopamine axons govern dopamine output
  • Neuromodulators and circuits that govern a balance of dopamine and acetylcholine signalling
  • Roles for neuronal and non-neuronal cell types
  • Dysregulation in dopamine and related neuromodulators in Parkinson’s disease
  • How drugs of addiction modify dopamine signals and regulatory circuits
  • Circuits that control behaviour

Please get in touch if you’d like to join the lab, and see current recruitment opportunities below.


Cragg Group Announcements

**We are recruiting!**

Interested in joining us as a graduate research assistant? We are currently advertising for a Research Assistant to join our group and assist with our international research project supported by Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP). Advert is live here, closing date is 18th November 2024. 


May 2024 - Steph takes up the Presidency of the International Society for Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience, plan to join us for Amsterdam 2026!

May 2024 - Congratulations Qinbo Qiao on being selected for an invited Podium Presentation at the International Meeting for Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience at UNC, North Carolina

April 2024 - Congratulations Lucille Duquenoy on the Award of a Goodger and Shorstein Scholarship for 2024-2025

April 2024 - Congratulations to Kat Todd for best flash talk and Aishwarya Vedula for best poster prize at the UKDRI-ASAP meeting in London!

September 2023 - Congratulations to Shinil Raina and Emanuel Lopes for winning 1st and 2nd Poster Prizes at the meeting for Aligning Science Across Parkinson's in London

January 2023 - Congratulations Katherine Brimblecombe for a DPAG Prize for Public Engagement

September 2022 - We welcome to Oxford all of ASAP Team Cragg for our first annual in-person conference!

May 2022 - We are delighted to begin our new Wellcome Trust-funded collaboration with Profs Richard Wade-Martins, Peter Magill, Birgit Liss and Josef Kittler

November 2021 - We are delighted to begin our new major international collaborative research project supported by Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP) with Mark Howe (Boston University), Dinos Meletis (Karolinska Institutet), Richard Wade-Martins (Oxford) and Peter Magill (Oxford)

Please read our pledge to support inclusivity, diversity and equality here.

Our team

Cragg Group News

Inaugural winners of the DPAG Prize for Public Engagement with Research announced

Congratulations are in order for the winners Katherine Brimblecombe and Anna Kordala, and also to Jéssica Luiz and Andia Redpath who were highly commended for their outreach and public engagement work.

Dopamine Club

Welcome to the Dopamine Club!

Dopamine Club is an informal, lab meeting-style forum that brings dopamine researchers together from across the University to exchange and discuss our different perspectives on dopamine.

About us

Dopamine Club was founded in 2014 to bring together dopamine researchers within the University and promote interactions towards the common goal of understanding dopamine function.

Core contributors

Anyone is welcome to attend, organise and participate in Dopamine Club meetings and we'd like it to be as interactive as possible so if you want to be involved please get in touch (, or any of the other contributing groups).

Meeting format

Meetings are held termly, usually on Monday of 8th week, in DPAG. Meetings are chaired by different labs on a rotating basis.

Related research themes

We host a number of internationally recognised neuroscience groups, with expertise in a wide range of experimental and computational methods.

We host a number of internationally recognised ...