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Cardiac and Body Surface ECG Mapping


p126_m6c1_epiactn_ant.jpgWe have developed techniques to measure the epicardial activation sequence using an p126_m6c1_epiactn_post.jpgelasticated sock with 127 unipolar electrodes. The epicardial activation sequence has been fitted to an anatomically accurate computational model of the ventricles (left: anterior; right posterior), where blue and red show resting and depolarised tissue respectively. [Note: the repolarisation sequence is not indicated here.]

Using these techniques, we have characterised the epicardial activation sequence during normal and pathological conditions. For more information, please refer to our Ventricular Electrogram Mapping page.


p126_m6c1_bspm_fullcycle_V1T.jpgWe use an elasticated vest with 256 ECG electrodes to quantify the time-varying electropotential field (red: positive; blue: negative potentials), which is displayed on an anatomically accurate torso surface (left: anterior view; right: posterior view; top: neck; bottom: abdomen) during QRS of a single normal beat.

Further information regarding the electropotential patterns recorded under normal, paced and ischemic conditions can be found at our Body Surface ECG Mapping page.



We are developing electrocardiographic inverse approaches that attempt to non-invasively reconstruct the electrical state of the heart from remote recordings of the electrical activity at the body surface. We are also refining our experimental techniques in order to validate the theoretical and computational approaches to this inverse problem. For more information, refer to our ECG Inverse Validation page.


Page written by Dr Martyn Nash