Azrul Abdul Kadir, a third year DPhil student under supervision of Dr Rhys Evans and Professor Kieran Clarke has been selected for World Congress Young Investigator (YI) Travel Award for International Society for Heart Research-European Section members.
His abstract “Anaplerosis from asparagine increases ketone oxidation in isolated rat hearts in the absence of pyruvate precursors” was accepted for oral presentation at the forthcoming 2019 XXIII World Congress.
Similar to the Olympics and the World cup that only happen every 4 years, the ISHR World Congress only occurs every 3 years. The 2019 XXIII World Congress will be held from 3 - 6 June in Beijing, China.
The theme of the congress is “Healthy Heart, Happy Life”. Its mission is to promote the discovery and dissemination of knowledge in the cardiovascular sciences on a world-wide basis through publications, congresses and other media.
More information on the congress can be found here.