John Morris
BSc, MB, ChB, MD, MA, FMedSci
Emeritus Professor of Human Anatomy
- Clinical Anatomy Advisor
Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry linked with three groups: with Helen Christian on neuroendocrinology (folliculo-stellate cells); with Clive Wilson on exosome signalling in drosophila reproduction; with Deborah Goberdhan on exosomes in colon cancer cells. Functional and Clinical Human Anatomy education.
Key publications
Morphological aspects of interactions between microparticles and mammalian cells: intestinal uptake and onward movement.
Journal article
Carr KE. et al, (2012), Prog Histochem Cytochem, 46, 185 - 252
Roles of pre-treatment time and junctional proteins in Caco-2 cell microparticle uptake.
Journal article
Moyes SM. et al, (2011), Int J Pharm, 407, 21 - 30
Both acetylcholine and choline stimulate externalisation of annexin 1 from S100-positive folliculo-stellate cells of the pituitary gland
Journal article
Lees D. et al, (2011), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 218, 359 - 359
The long lifespan and low turnover of human islet beta cells estimated by mathematical modelling of lipofuscin accumulation.
Journal article
Cnop M. et al, (2010), Diabetologia, 53, 321 - 330
The curriculum in Anatomy for medical students: UK and Irish responses to the ASGBI questionnaire
Journal article
Chirculescu ARM. and Morris JF., (2008), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 213, 348 - 348
Recent publications
Endolysosomal TPCs regulate social behavior by controlling oxytocin secretion.
Journal article
Martucci LL. et al, (2023), Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 120
Glutamine deprivation alters the origin and function of cancer cell exosomes.
Journal article
Fan S-J. et al, (2020), EMBO J, 39
Morphological aspects of interactions between microparticles and mammalian cells: intestinal uptake and onward movement.
Journal article
Carr KE. et al, (2012), Prog Histochem Cytochem, 46, 185 - 252
Morphological aspects of interactions between microparticles and mammalian cells: Intestinal uptake and onward movement
Journal article
Carr KE. et al, (2012), Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 46, 185 - 252
Immunocytochemical examination of voltage-gated potassium channel expression in the pituitary folliculo-stellate cell line TtT/GF
Journal article
Chirculescu ARM. et al, (2011), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 218, 587 - 587