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Endolysosomal TPCs regulate social behavior by controlling oxytocin secretion.

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Martucci LL. et al, (2023), Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 120

Glutamine deprivation alters the origin and function of cancer cell exosomes.

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Fan S-J. et al, (2020), EMBO J, 39

Morphological aspects of interactions between microparticles and mammalian cells: intestinal uptake and onward movement.

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Carr KE. et al, (2012), Prog Histochem Cytochem, 46, 185 - 252

Morphological aspects of interactions between microparticles and mammalian cells: Intestinal uptake and onward movement

Journal article

Carr KE. et al, (2012), Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 46, 185 - 252

The role of the external examiner in assessment of anatomical knowledge in UK and Ireland: data from the AS questionnaire

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Chirculescu ARM. and Morris JF., (2011), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 218, 587 - 587

Roles of pre-treatment time and junctional proteins in Caco-2 cell microparticle uptake

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Moyes SM. et al, (2011), International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 407, 21 - 30

Roles of pre-treatment time and junctional proteins in Caco-2 cell microparticle uptake.

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Moyes SM. et al, (2011), Int J Pharm, 407, 21 - 30

Anti-allergic cromolyn drugs facilitate annexin 1 secretion from pituitary folliculo-stellate cells

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Thomson D. et al, (2011), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 218, 360 - 360

Effects of lymphocytes, macrophages and microparticles on tight junction permeability in Caco-2 cells

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Moyes SM. et al, (2011), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 218, 361 - 361

Macrophages increase microparticle uptake by enterocyte-like Caco-2 cell monolayers.

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Moyes SM. et al, (2010), J Anat, 217, 740 - 754

Culture conditions and treatments affect Caco-2 characteristics and particle uptake.

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Moyes SM. et al, (2010), Int J Pharm, 387, 7 - 18

Gerota and Brâncuşi: Romanian anatomy and art face to face.

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Chirculescu ARM. et al, (2010), J Anat, 216, 275 - 278

Cell dimensions, epithelial permeability and particle uptake in Caco-2 cell models

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Moyes SM. et al, (2009), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 215, 708 - 709

Gerota and Brancusi - Romanian anatomy and art face to face

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Chirculescu ARM. et al, (2009), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 215, 707 - 707

Students and staff involved in anatomy courses in UK and Ireland: data from the ASGBI questionnaire

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Chirculescu ARM. and Morris JF., (2009), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 215, 709 - 709

Ultrastructure and function studies in CD38 null mice reveal a role for CD38 in anterior pituitary somatotrophs

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Patel S. et al, (2009), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 215, 707 - 707

Cell density and 3D digital analysis confirm colocalization of both FSH and LH with GH in human embryo-fetal pituitary cells

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Chirculescu ARM. et al, (2009), JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 214, 800 - 801

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