Lab news archive
Hilary 2017
- March: GOOD LUCK to Dr Irina Stefana who starts her new position at Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford
- March: Congratulations to DPhil student Ben Kroeger who is invited to present his research at the “58th Annual Drosophila Research Conference”
- February: Warm welcome back to Dr Aaron Leiblich
- January: Book chapter review of accessory gland as a model for prostate biology and cancer published – Wilson et al. (2017) Curr Top Dev Biol. 121:339-375
Michaelmas 2016
- December: WELL DONE to Dr Siamak Redhai for successfully defending his DPhil thesis!
- December: GOOD LUCK to DPhil student Siamak Redhai for his upcoming DPhil viva on Wednesday, 14th December 2016!
- October: GOOD LUCK to DPhil student Josephine Hellberg who starts her 3-months MRC-funded internship in Science Policy at the Wellcome Trust (*) in London!
trinity 2016
- September: Congratulations to DPhil students Siamak Redhai for his first author publication Redhai et al. (2016) Regulation of Dense-Core Granule Replenishment by Autocrine BMP Signalling in Drosophila Secondary Cells. PLoS Genet 12(10): e1006366 at the end of the fourth year of his MRC- and Goodger scholarship-funded DPhil studentship!
- September: Congratualtions to DPhil student Siamak Redhai for finishing his write-up and submitting his DPhil thesis!
- September: GOOD LUCK and GOODBYE to DPhil student Siamak Redhai who starts his new position in the lab of Professor Irene Miguel-Aliaga at Imperial College!
- August: GOODBYE to Dr Aaron Leiblich who will leave the lab to continue with his clinical work full-time.
- August: Dr Mark Wainwright continues his work in the lab funded by the BBSRC.
- July: Congratulations to DPhil student Ben Kroeger who is invited to present his research at the "Allied Genetics Conference 2016" in Orlando, Florida!
- May: 2016 St Hugh's Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Taster Day (*). Lab members enjoyed engaging year 12 students in our research. They had a greattime during the hands-on microscopy experiments.
- May: Warm welcome to Medical Sciences student Zahra Ravat who joins the lab for her FHS project.
Hilary 2016
- March: Congratulations to Dr Clive Wilson for the award of a new 3-year BBSRC project grant.
- March: Lab members participate in "Super Genes Day" at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. We enjoyed discussing our work with school teachers, pupils and other members of the public who were visiting our demonstration: "Flies, reproduction and Prostate Cancer"
Michaelmas 2015
- December: WELL DONE to Dr Aaron Leiblich for successfully defending his DPhil thesis!
- December: Warm welcome to Dr Irina Stefana who joins the group.
Trinity 2015
- September: Congratulations to DPhil student Aaron Leiblich for finishing his write-up and submitting his DPhil thesis
- May: Warm welcome to Medical Sciences student Rosie Marshall who joins the lab for her FHS project
Hilary 2015
- April: Congratulations to Dr Deborah Goberdhan who has been awarded a CRUK Programme grant with Co-Investigators Prof Adrian Harris and Dr Clive Wilson!
- March: Warm welcome to Felix Castellanos who joins the lab for the last 18 months of his DPhil project.
Michaelmas 2014
- October: After successfully completing his final first-year rotation in our lab, DPhil Student Ben Kroeger will join the Wilson Group for his full Wellcome Trust studentship!
- October: Josephine Hellberg will join the group on a 4-year MRC DPhil Programme!
- September: WELL DONE to Dr Laura Corrigan for successfully defending her thesis!
- September: GOOD LUCK to DPhil student Laura Corrigan for her viva on Tuesday, 23rd September 2014!
- September: Warm welcome to Biochemistry student Thomas Hilton who has joined the lab for his 4th year project!
- August: Well done to DPhil student Laura Corrigan for her first author publication Corrigan et al. (2014) BMP-regulated exosomes from Drosophila male reproductive glands reprogram female behavior. J Cell Biol Sep 2014, 206 (5) 671-688 at the end of her 4-year Wellcome Trust DPhil studentship!
Hilary 2014
- March: Congratulations to Clive Wilson and DPhil student Siamak Redhai are both invited to present their research at the "55th Annual Drosophila Conference" in San Diego, California!
Michaelmas 2013
- October: Warm welcome to Biochemistry student Hannah Ledbury who joins the lab for her fourth year project.
Trinity 2013
- August: Warm welcome to Dr Mark Wainwright who joins the group.
- May: Warm welcome to FHS student Katherine Windsor who joins the lab
- April: Warm welcome to FHS student Jeeun Song who joins the lab
Hilary 2013
- April: Congratulations to DPhil student Laura Corrigan who is invited to present her research at two international conferences in one month! Laura gives talks at the "54th Annual Drosophila Conference" in Washington DC and at the "2nd International Society of Extracellular Vesicles Conference, ISEV 2013" in Boston, Massachusetts.
Michaelmas 2012
- October: Warm welcome to DPhil student Siamak Redhai who joins the group on a 3-year MRC funded studentship.