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Brookhart 2016 Lecture, Oregon Health Sciences University - May


Invited lecture, 2nd UCLA Arrhythmia meeting, Los Angeles USA - March                                

Chair, Experimental Biology, ‘Evolution meets Physiology', Boston - April

Chair and Invited Lecture, 5th Cardiac Physiome meeting, Auckland, NZ - April

Invited Lecture, Cardiac BioElectric Centre, Washington U. St Louis - May

Invited Lecture, Heart Rhythm Society, Boston - May

Invited lecture/Chair, International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience, Italy - Sept

Plenary Lecture Australian Physiological Society, Tasmania -Nov


Chairman, Experimental Biology Symposium, San Diego, USA - April

Invited lecture, University of Queensland - Aug

Chairman, International Biophysics Congress ‘Catecholaminergic polymorphic VT’ Brisbane - Aug

Invited lecture, European Society of Cardiology, Barcelona - Sept

Invited lecture Hong Kong University - Sept

Invited Foster seminar, Physiology, Cambridge - Oct


Invited lecturer Brunel University - January

Invited speaker Experimental Biology, Boston, USA - April

Chairman, IUPS symposium, Birmingham, UK - July

Invited seminar, Florey Institute, Melbourne, Australia - Sept


Chairman Experimental Biology Symposium - April

Invited seminar, UT Southerwestern, Dallas - April

Invited Public lecture University of Otago - May

Invited seminar University of Otago - May

Graduation address University of Otago - May

Invited speaker APS meeting on Neural Control, Omaha, USA - July

Invited speaker and Chair of session, Joint Chinese, American, UK, Australian, Japanese Physiological Societies, Suzhou, China - Nov


Invited seminar Dept of Cell Physiology & Pharmacology, University of Leicester - March

Symposium speaker, The Physiological Society, Oxford - July

Invited speaker International Autonomic Neuroscience meeting, Brazil - Sept

Invited seminar Kuwait University - Oct                            


Invited Lecture, Florey Neuroscience Institute, University of Melbourne - Feb

Plenary Lecture, University of Auckland, Bioengineering Institute - Feb

Invited seminar, Dept of Physiology, Cork - March

Plenary lecturer, American Society for Autonomic Neuroscience - Nov

Invited seminar, University of Manchester - Dec