EU IMI StemBANCC Consortium
The University of Oxford is the academic lead institution for StemBANCC ( This 5-year research programme funded by the EU Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) involving academic and industry partners across 11 countries with the objective of developing human induced pluripotent stem cells as a platform for drug discovery.
Richard Wade-Martins leads Work Package 8 (WP8: Central Nervous System: Neurodegenerative and Neurodysfunctional Diseases), with the aim of providing disease-relevant, human in vitro systems in neurons and glia derived from iPSC generated from well-characterised patients with neurodegenerative and neurodysfunctional disorders.
The StemBANCC consortium is an academic-industry partnership that will provide well characterized human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines in an accessible and sustainable bio-bank across a range of diseases. StemBANCC will support collection of skin biopsies from Parkinson's patients in the OPDC cohort.