Dr Xiaoqun Wang, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science was awarded a Newton Advanced Fellowship for his collaborative work with Professor Zoltan Molnar entitled Molecular and cellular mechanisms underling neurogenic division of OSVZ progenitors in the mammalian brain.
The Academy of Medical Sciences, the British Academy and the Royal Society have today announced the first round of recipients of their new research funding scheme, the Newton Advanced Fellowships. The scheme provides established international researchers with an opportunity to develop the research strengths and capabilities of their research groups through training, collaboration and reciprocal visits with a partner in the UK.
Researchers in Brazil, China, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey will collaborate with research partners in the UK. It is anticipated the skills and knowledge gained through these partnerships should lead to changes in the wellbeing of communities and increased economic benefits for partner countries. Partner agencies in participating countries are also offering their own schemes which UK researchers can apply for.
Source and more information on the Royal Society website.