Congratulations to Vladyslav Vyazovskiy, who has been awarded the title of Professor of Sleep Physiology.
Head of Department Professor David Paterson said: "This is a terrific personal achievement for Vlad, which reflects well on the Department as we celebrate with him."
Following postdoctoral and lecturership positions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Surrey respectively, Professor Vyazovskiy joined the Department in 2013 initially as a Senior Research Fellow, before quickly becoming Associate Professor of Neuroscience in 2015. In 2020, he obtained a Tutorial Fellowship in Medicine at Hertford College. He is a member of Sir Jules Thorn Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi) and of newly established Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery. Professor Vyazovskiy is a chair of the Scientific Committee of the European Sleep Research Society, and Associate Editor of Journal of Sleep Research, and from 2022 will serve as Director of Graduate Studies at DPAG. His work has been supported by the MRC, the BBSRC, the Wellcome Trust, Novo-Nordisk, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, and NC3Rs.
Vyazovskiy group research has been instrumental in furthering our understanding of the neurophysiological mechanisms of sleep regulation, and indeed the overall function of sleep. His other interests include circadian neurobiology, metabolism, hibernation and psychedelics.
On receipt of his conferral, Professor Vyazovskiy said: “I was absolutely delighted to receive the news, and first of all would like to thank my mentors, the members of the lab, past and present, and all our colleagues and collaborators from the SCNi, DPAG and other departments and further afield, who help us in various ways.”