The new three-minute animation, produced by The Physiological Society, tells the story of how our cells come together to build tissues, organs and systems and what can happen when these systems are disrupted.
An estimated 200 cell types exist in the human body. Each one with its own job.
Professor David Paterson said “I have really enjoyed the challenge of bringing a topic such as the levels of physiological organisation to life through animation. I hope that this animation will be widely used by those wanting to showcase how understanding the basis of physiological processes are vital for our understanding of how the body works in health and disease.”
Each of our eleven organ systems have their own main functions, but they all need to cooperate with each other to keep the body healthy.
The Physiological Society brings together over 4000 scientists from over 60 countries. Since its foundation in 1876, its members have made significant contributions to the knowledge of biological systems and the treatment of disease.
The Physiological Society produced the video ‘Physiology: From Cells to Systems’ which is available online and can be viewed on YouTube.