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Mike Gunton, Creative Director of the BBC's Natural History Unit, gave a talk this month on the making of Planet Earth II to rave reviews.

Mike Gunton lecture

Professor Dame Fran Ashcroft and Professor Paterson hosted Mike Gunton for the first 'general interest' lecture DPAG has given in some time. The response from staff, students and some of their family members was overwhelming with many people having to be turned away at the door by 4.15 as not even standing room remained.

Mike spoke for just under an hour about his experience working with David Attenborough on wildlife films during the past thirty years, with particular emphasis on the Planet Earth series, known and loved by many. Clips from the popular series were shown with a 'behind the scenes' commentary from Mike.

The lecture was followed by a drinks reception, which enabled many to speak to Mike about his extraordinary work and a few, lucky ones even managed to obtain autographs of books and posters.