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Victoria Lievens

Victoria Lievens

Research groups

Victoria Lievens

Research Assistant

I completed my Master's degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Biochemistry at UCLouvain Belgium and the focus of my Master's thesis was on the interaction of transcription factors in the peri-natal murine brain. I then joined the Wade-Martins group in February 2023 as a visiting student and worked on the role of lipids in neurodegeneration and brain function. After completing this placement, I came back to the Wade-Martins group as a Research Assistant. My main project focuses identification of novel genes with functions in the Parkinson's disease-relevant endolysosomal pathways, using state-of-the-art CRISPRi techniques in human stem cell-derived neuronal models to eventually describe potential targets preventing neurodegeneration. My research interests focus on the impact of lipid dysregulation and protein aggregation in neurodegeneration.