Research groups
Ruth Brain
Senior Research Assistant
Recent publications
Aurora Kinases Phosphorylate Lgl to Induce Mitotic Spindle Orientation in Drosophila Epithelia
Bell GP. et al, (2015), Current Biology, 25, 61 - 68
Mask Proteins Are Cofactors of Yorkie/YAP in the Hippo Pathway
Sidor CM. et al, (2013), Current Biology, 23, 223 - 228
Positive Feedback and Mutual Antagonism Combine to Polarize Crumbs in the Drosophila Follicle Cell Epithelium
Fletcher GC. et al, (2012), Current Biology, 22, 1116 - 1122
Autoregulatory and paracrine control of synaptic and behavioral plasticity by octopaminergic signaling.
Koon AC. et al, (2011), Nat Neurosci, 14, 190 - 199
Kibra Is a Regulator of the Salvador/Warts/Hippo Signaling Network
Genevet A. et al, (2010), Developmental Cell, 18, 300 - 308