Jacinta Kalisch-Smith
Oxford BHF CRE Basic Science Intermediate Transition Fellow
- Research project: Genetic regulation and developmental patterning of the placental vasculature
In my independent research as part of my BHF CRE Transition Fellowship, I am understanding how the placental vascular network is created in mice and humans, and how their gene programs are governed. I will generate new genetic tools, use light sheet imaging to characterize placental vascular development, and determine how deletion of placental vascular genes impact congenital heart defects, miscarriage and stillbirth. My mentors for this project are Prof Shankar Srinivas, Prof Sarah De Val and I continue to work with Prof Nicola Smart in her group.
I obtained my PhD in Brisbane, Australia, investigating the impacts of periconceptional alcohol exposure on the early embryo, uterine environment and placental formation. In 2016, I was awarded the Australian and New Zealand Placental Research Association (ANZPRA) New Investigator award for this work.
My previous post-doctoral research in Professor Nicola Smart's group investigated factors produced by the epicardium to encourage vascular sprouting of the sinus venous to form the coronary vessels.
My previous position in Associate Professor Duncan Sparrow's group investigated how other environmental exposures such as maternal iron deficiency can alter heart development and lead to conditions such as congenital heart defects. This project on iron deficiency has been published in Nature Communications.
My recent side project on understanding placental arterio-venous formation and malfunction in embryos with congenital heart defects has recently published in Frontiers in Genetics in a special issue "Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Heart Development: Implications for Congenital Heart Disease."
Key publications
Journal article
Kalisch-Smith JI. et al, (2024), Placenta, 156, 55 - 66
Journal article
KALISCH-SMITH J. et al, (2019), Development
Journal article
Kalisch-Smith JI. et al, (2021), Front Genet, 12
Journal article
Kalisch-Smith JI. et al, (2021), Nature Communications, 12
Recent publications
Journal article
Kalisch-Smith JI. et al, (2024), Placenta, 156, 55 - 66
Journal article
Broadway-Stringer S. et al, (2023), Cells, 12
Ved N. and Kalisch-Smith JI., (2022), 2441, 77 - 83
Conference paper
Gehmlich K. et al, (2022), CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, 118
Conference paper
Gehmlich K. et al, (2022), HEART, 108, A163 - A164
Conference paper
Journal article
Kalisch-Smith JI. et al, (2021), Nature Communications, 12
Journal article
Kalisch-Smith JI. et al, (2021), Nat Commun, 12