Heidi de Wet
Associate Professor of Physiology
- University Lecturer
Heidi de Wet received her Bachelor of Science degree from North Western University, South Africa, and was awarded a DPhil from the University of Cape Town (UCT) Medical School in 2000. She moved to the University of Oxford to pursue post-doctoral studies in 2003, where she joined the group of Professor Frances Ashcroft. Following two maternity breaks, she joined the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics as a University Lecturer in Physiology and Associate Professor. She is a Fellow and Director of Studies for Pre-clinical Medicine for St Catherine's College.
Her doctoral work in the Department of Chemical Pathology, UCT, first introduced her to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of membrane transporters; these transporters have been the focus of her research ever since. Her post-doctoral research in Oxford focussed on neonatal diabetes, a rare form of type 2 diabetes, and the dysfunctional ABC transporters involved in this disease. More recently, her focus has shifted to studying the role of ABC transporters in gut endocrine K-and L-cells. These cells are involved in nutrient sensing in the small intestine and the subsequent secretion of appropriate peptide hormones that regulate several essential physiological responses to food intake.
Recent publications
The release of GLP-1 from gut L cells is inhibited by low extracellular pH.
Journal article
Garbutt P. et al, (2024), Obesity (Silver Spring)
Systemic Co-Administration of Low-Dose Oxytocin and Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Additively Decreases Food Intake and Body Weight.
Journal article
Maejima Y. et al, (2024), Neuroendocrinology, 1 - 19
Traditional Japanese medicine Kamikihito ameliorates sucrose preference, chronic inflammation and obesity induced by a high fat diet in middle-aged mice.
Journal article
Maejima Y. et al, (2024), Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 15
Acetyl-CoA-carboxylase 1 (ACC1) plays a critical role in glucagon secretion.
Journal article
Veprik A. et al, (2022), Commun Biol, 5
NMDA Receptor Antagonists Increase the Release of GLP-1 From Gut Endocrine Cells.
Journal article
Cyranka M. et al, (2022), Front Pharmacol, 13