Faredin Alejevski
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
I completed a BSc and MSc double major in Molecular Biology and Environmental Biology at Roskilde University in Denmark. After the completion of my MSc, I moved to France for my doctoral studies in the lab of Dr. François Rouyer at CNRS. In my PhD project, I worked on understanding how the Drosophila visual system entrains the circadian clock. During the final phase of my PhD, I joined the lab of Dr. Daniel Vasiliauskas at the CNRS for one and a half years, where I studied the differentiation of Drosophila photoreceptors. Subsequently, I worked for one year as a postdoc at the National Museum of Natural History (Paris) in the lab of Prof. Hervé Tostivint, studying the development of the zebrafish caudal neurosecretory system. Afterwards, I joined the lab of Prof. Iris Salecker at École normale supérieure (Paris). In 2024, I joined DPAG in the lab of Prof. Stephen Goodwin as a postdoctoral researcher to study how dimorphism develops in the central nervous system of Drosophila and how these differences drive sex-specific behaviours.