Studying for a DPhil or MSc by Research in Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
DPAG offers top-quality advanced degrees covering an extraordinarily wide range of specialised and interdisciplinary topics. These include molecular, cellular and integrative neuroscience, cardiovascular physiology, cellular and whole-body metabolism, and functional genomics. We provide cutting-edge training across a diverse range of state-of-the-art methodologies in leading laboratories in the field. Our graduates develop practical skills to excel in academia, industry, consulting, and have made outstanding achievements in a variety of career fields; from making ground-breaking discoveries into fundamental biological processes to translational contributions with real-life impacts.
Apply for Postgraduate Projects (DPhil & Mres)
34 projects in Cardiac Sciences, Cell Physiology, Development & Cell Biology, Functional Genomics, Metabolism & Endocrinology, and Neuroscience.
For entry in October 2024 applications are now closed. For Entry in October 2025, the main application deadline is Tuesday 3rd December 2024. All successful applications for the December deadline, are considered for a funding competition. Those awarded will be notified during the month of March 2025.
+441865 272497