OPDC Research Day 2015
Professor Donald Grosset (University of Glasgow), Dr Alex Whitworth (University of Sheffield), Professor Jochen Roeper (Goethe University)
Monday, 20 April 2015
Abstract Submission deadline: Friday March 20th 2015
Registration deadline: April 10th 2015
If you have any further queries please contact opdc.administrator@dpag.ox.ac.uk
The OPDC Research Day is a one-day event with research talks from world leading Parkinson’s researchers on topics including clinical studies, imaging, genetics, proteomics, neuronal cells and animal models.
Registration for the 2015
OPDC research day is free and includes refreshments, lunch and reception. Please complete the registration form at www.opdc.ox.ac.uk/opdc2015registration to join us at this exciting event.
Topics: Parkinson’s disease, Genetics, Neurons, Proteomics, Animals—Models
Contact email: melanie.witt@dpag.ox.ac.uk
Audience: Members of the University only
Booking: Required: http://www.opdc.ox.ac.uk/research2015 or opdc.administrator@dpag.ox.ac.uk
Cost: FREE - but booking required