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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Emily Frape.


The MRC Functional Genomics Unit would like to welcome members of DPAG to attend our annual Unit talks. This year we have four external speakers joining us.

A welcome and introduction from Professor Kay Davies will begin at 2.15pm followed by talks from;

Professor Chris Ponting- “Social Media.”

Professor Georg Hollander- “The Homunculus in our Thymus: A Cellular Genomics Approach.”

Professor Adam Mead- “Application of single cell genomics to leukaemia stem cell biology.”

Professor Richard Wade-Martins- “Integrating data from cellular and animal models to understand neurodegeneration.”

Dr Andrew Bassett- “The reality of genome engineering.”

Please join us for these talks in the Sherrington Library. The talks will be followed by drinks and nibbles. All Welcome!

Please email if you plan to attend.

DPAG Head of Department Seminar Series