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Future perspectives of neurogenetics - in honor of Troy D. Zars (1967-2018).

Journal article

Gerber B. et al, (2020), J Neurogenet, 34

Memory, anticipation, action - working with Troy D. Zars.

Journal article

Wolf R. et al, (2020), J Neurogenet, 34, 9 - 20

The impact of the gut microbiome on memory and sleep in Drosophila.

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Silva V. et al, (2020), J Exp Biol

A neural mechanism for deprivation state-specific expression of relevant memories in Drosophila.

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Senapati B. et al, (2019), Nat Neurosci, 22, 2029 - 2039

Switching Gears, Structuring the Right Search Strategy.

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Felsenberg J. and Waddell S., (2019), Neuron, 102, 273 - 275

Editorial overview: Neurobiology of learning and plasticity.

Journal article

Waddell S. and Sjöström PJ., (2019), Curr Opin Neurobiol, 54, iii - vi

Integration of Parallel Opposing Memories Underlies Memory Extinction.

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Felsenberg J. et al, (2018), Cell, 175, 709 - 722.e15

Do the right thing: neural network mechanisms of memory formation, expression and update in Drosophila.

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Cognigni P. et al, (2018), Curr Opin Neurobiol, 49, 51 - 58

Rapid adaptive remote focusing microscope for sensing of volumetric neural activity.

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Žurauskas M. et al, (2017), Biomed Opt Express, 8, 4369 - 4379

Resolving the prevalence of somatic transposition in Drosophila.

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Treiber CD. and Waddell S., (2017), Elife, 6

Re-evaluation of learned information in Drosophila.

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Felsenberg J. et al, (2017), Nature, 544, 240 - 244

Neural Networks for a Reward System in Drosophila


Felsenberg J. and Waddell S., (2017), Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 505 - 522

Memory-Relevant Mushroom Body Output Synapses Are Cholinergic.

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Barnstedt O. et al, (2016), Neuron, 89, 1237 - 1247

Neural Plasticity: Dopamine Tunes the Mushroom Body Output Network.

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Waddell S., (2016), Curr Biol, 26, R109 - R112

Neural networks for a reward system in drosophila


Felsenberg J. and Waddell S., (2016), The Curated Reference Collection in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, 505 - 522

Remembering Components of Food in Drosophila.

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Das G. et al, (2016), Front Integr Neurosci, 10

Olfactory learning skews mushroom body output pathways to steer behavioral choice in Drosophila.

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Owald D. and Waddell S., (2015), Curr Opin Neurobiol, 35, 178 - 184

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