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Limited predictive value of blastomere angle of division in trophectoderm and inner cell mass specification.

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Watanabe T. et al, (2014), Development, 141, 2279 - 2288

Dissection of embryonic mouse kidney, culture in vitro, and imaging of the developing organ

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Costantini F. et al, (2011), Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 6

Long-term imaging of mouse embryos using adaptive harmonic generation microscopy.

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Thayil A. et al, (2011), J Biomed Opt, 16

Adaptive multiphoton and harmonic generation microscopy for developmental biology

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Thayil A. et al, (2010), Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 7569

Adaptive harmonic generation microscopy of mammalian embryos.

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Image-based adaptive optics for two-photon microscopy.

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Débarre D. et al, (2009), Opt Lett, 34, 2495 - 2497