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Histaminergic Control of Corticostriatal Synaptic Plasticity during Early Postnatal Development.

Journal article

Han S. et al, (2020), J Neurosci, 40, 6557 - 6571

Monoamines and their Derivatives on GPCRs: Potential Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease.

Journal article

Farfán-García ED. et al, (2019), Curr Alzheimer Res, 16, 871 - 894

Functional histamine H3 and adenosine A2A receptor heteromers in recombinant cells and rat striatum.

Journal article

Márquez-Gómez R. et al, (2018), Pharmacol Res, 129, 515 - 525

The Histamine H3 Receptor: Structure, Pharmacology, and Function.

Journal article

Nieto-Alamilla G. et al, (2016), Mol Pharmacol, 90, 649 - 673

Modulation by histamine H3 receptors of neurotransmitter release in the Basal Ganglia


Márquez-Gómez R. et al, (2016), Receptors, 28, 265 - 293