Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines.
Théry C., Witwer KW., Aikawa E., Alcaraz MJ., Anderson JD., Andriantsitohaina R., Antoniou A., Arab T., Archer F., Atkin-Smith GK., Ayre DC., Bach J-M., Bachurski D., Baharvand H., Balaj L., Baldacchino S., Bauer NN., Baxter AA., Bebawy M., Beckham C., Bedina Zavec A., Benmoussa A., Berardi AC., Bergese P., Bielska E., Blenkiron C., Bobis-Wozowicz S., Boilard E., Boireau W., Bongiovanni A., Borràs FE., Bosch S., Boulanger CM., Breakefield X., Breglio AM., Brennan MÁ., Brigstock DR., Brisson A., Broekman ML., Bromberg JF., Bryl-Górecka P., Buch S., Buck AH., Burger D., Busatto S., Buschmann D., Bussolati B., Buzás EI., Byrd JB., Camussi G., Carter DR., Caruso S., Chamley LW., Chang Y-T., Chen C., Chen S., Cheng L., Chin AR., Clayton A., Clerici SP., Cocks A., Cocucci E., Coffey RJ., Cordeiro-da-Silva A., Couch Y., Coumans FA., Coyle B., Crescitelli R., Criado MF., D'Souza-Schorey C., Das S., Datta Chaudhuri A., de Candia P., De Santana EF., De Wever O., Del Portillo HA., Demaret T., Deville S., Devitt A., Dhondt B., Di Vizio D., Dieterich LC., Dolo V., Dominguez Rubio AP., Dominici M., Dourado MR., Driedonks TA., Duarte FV., Duncan HM., Eichenberger RM., Ekström K., El Andaloussi S., Elie-Caille C., Erdbrügger U., Falcón-Pérez JM., Fatima F., Fish JE., Flores-Bellver M., Försönits A., Frelet-Barrand A., Fricke F., Fuhrmann G., Gabrielsson S., Gámez-Valero A., Gardiner C., Gärtner K., Gaudin R., Gho YS., Giebel B., Gilbert C., Gimona M., Giusti I., Goberdhan DC., Görgens A., Gorski SM., Greening DW., Gross JC., Gualerzi A., Gupta GN., Gustafson D., Handberg A., Haraszti RA., Harrison P., Hegyesi H., Hendrix A., Hill AF., Hochberg FH., Hoffmann KF., Holder B., Holthofer H., Hosseinkhani B., Hu G., Huang Y., Huber V., Hunt S., Ibrahim AG-E., Ikezu T., Inal JM., Isin M., Ivanova A., Jackson HK., Jacobsen S., Jay SM., Jayachandran M., Jenster G., Jiang L., Johnson SM., Jones JC., Jong A., Jovanovic-Talisman T., Jung S., Kalluri R., Kano S-I., Kaur S., Kawamura Y., Keller ET., Khamari D., Khomyakova E., Khvorova A., Kierulf P., Kim KP., Kislinger T., Klingeborn M., Klinke DJ., Kornek M., Kosanović MM., Kovács ÁF., Krämer-Albers E-M., Krasemann S., Krause M., Kurochkin IV., Kusuma GD., Kuypers S., Laitinen S., Langevin SM., Languino LR., Lannigan J., Lässer C., Laurent LC., Lavieu G., Lázaro-Ibáñez E., Le Lay S., Lee M-S., Lee YXF., Lemos DS., Lenassi M., Leszczynska A., Li IT., Liao K., Libregts SF., Ligeti E., Lim R., Lim SK., Linē A., Linnemannstöns K., Llorente A., Lombard CA., Lorenowicz MJ., Lörincz ÁM., Lötvall J., Lovett J., Lowry MC., Loyer X., Lu Q., Lukomska B., Lunavat TR., Maas SL., Malhi H., Marcilla A., Mariani J., Mariscal J., Martens-Uzunova ES., Martin-Jaular L., Martinez MC., Martins VR., Mathieu M., Mathivanan S., Maugeri M., McGinnis LK., McVey MJ., Meckes DG., Meehan KL., Mertens I., Minciacchi VR., Möller A., Møller Jørgensen M., Morales-Kastresana A., Morhayim J., Mullier F., Muraca M., Musante L., Mussack V., Muth DC., Myburgh KH., Najrana T., Nawaz M., Nazarenko I., Nejsum P., Neri C., Neri T., Nieuwland R., Nimrichter L., Nolan JP., Nolte-'t Hoen EN., Noren Hooten N., O'Driscoll L., O'Grady T., O'Loghlen A., Ochiya T., Olivier M., Ortiz A., Ortiz LA., Osteikoetxea X., Østergaard O., Ostrowski M., Park J., Pegtel DM., Peinado H., Perut F., Pfaffl MW., Phinney DG., Pieters BC., Pink RC., Pisetsky DS., Pogge von Strandmann E., Polakovicova I., Poon IK., Powell BH., Prada I., Pulliam L., Quesenberry P., Radeghieri A., Raffai RL., Raimondo S., Rak J., Ramirez MI., Raposo G., Rayyan MS., Regev-Rudzki N., Ricklefs FL., Robbins PD., Roberts DD., Rodrigues SC., Rohde E., Rome S., Rouschop KM., Rughetti A., Russell AE., Saá P., Sahoo S., Salas-Huenuleo E., Sánchez C., Saugstad JA., Saul MJ., Schiffelers RM., Schneider R., Schøyen TH., Scott A., Shahaj E., Sharma S., Shatnyeva O., Shekari F., Shelke GV., Shetty AK., Shiba K., Siljander PR-M., Silva AM., Skowronek A., Snyder OL., Soares RP., Sódar BW., Soekmadji C., Sotillo J., Stahl PD., Stoorvogel W., Stott SL., Strasser EF., Swift S., Tahara H., Tewari M., Timms K., Tiwari S., Tixeira R., Tkach M., Toh WS., Tomasini R., Torrecilhas AC., Tosar JP., Toxavidis V., Urbanelli L., Vader P., van Balkom BW., van der Grein SG., Van Deun J., van Herwijnen MJ., Van Keuren-Jensen K., van Niel G., van Royen ME., van Wijnen AJ., Vasconcelos MH., Vechetti IJ., Veit TD., Vella LJ., Velot É., Verweij FJ., Vestad B., Viñas JL., Visnovitz T., Vukman KV., Wahlgren J., Watson DC., Wauben MH., Weaver A., Webber JP., Weber V., Wehman AM., Weiss DJ., Welsh JA., Wendt S., Wheelock AM., Wiener Z., Witte L., Wolfram J., Xagorari A., Xander P., Xu J., Yan X., Yáñez-Mó M., Yin H., Yuana Y., Zappulli V., Zarubova J., Žėkas V., Zhang J-Y., Zhao Z., Zheng L., Zheutlin AR., Zickler AM., Zimmermann P., Zivkovic AM., Zocco D., Zuba-Surma EK.
The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make them difficult to obtain as relatively pure preparations, and to characterize properly. The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) proposed Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles ("MISEV") guidelines for the field in 2014. We now update these "MISEV2014" guidelines based on evolution of the collective knowledge in the last four years. An important point to consider is that ascribing a specific function to EVs in general, or to subtypes of EVs, requires reporting of specific information beyond mere description of function in a crude, potentially contaminated, and heterogeneous preparation. For example, claims that exosomes are endowed with exquisite and specific activities remain difficult to support experimentally, given our still limited knowledge of their specific molecular machineries of biogenesis and release, as compared with other biophysically similar EVs. The MISEV2018 guidelines include tables and outlines of suggested protocols and steps to follow to document specific EV-associated functional activities. Finally, a checklist is provided with summaries of key points.