Minimum information reporting in bio-nano experimental literature.
Faria M., Björnmalm M., Thurecht KJ., Kent SJ., Parton RG., Kavallaris M., Johnston APR., Gooding JJ., Corrie SR., Boyd BJ., Thordarson P., Whittaker AK., Stevens MM., Prestidge CA., Porter CJH., Parak WJ., Davis TP., Crampin EJ., Caruso F.
Studying the interactions between nanoengineered materials and biological systems plays a vital role in the development of biological applications of nanotechnology and the improvement of our fundamental understanding of the bio-nano interface. A significant barrier to progress in this multidisciplinary area is the variability of published literature with regards to characterizations performed and experimental details reported. Here, we suggest a 'minimum information standard' for experimental literature investigating bio-nano interactions. This standard consists of specific components to be reported, divided into three categories: material characterization, biological characterization and details of experimental protocols. Our intention is for these proposed standards to improve reproducibility, increase quantitative comparisons of bio-nano materials, and facilitate meta analyses and in silico modelling.