ASNS disruption shortens CTPS cytoophidia in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Zhang S., Feng H-C., Liu J-L.
Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) and CTP synthase (CTPS) are two metabolic enzymes that catalyze the biosynthesis of asparagine and CTP, respectively. Both CTPS and ASNS have been identified to form cytoophidia in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Glutamine is a common substrate for both these enzymes, and they play an important role in glutamine homeostasis. Here, we find that the ASNS cytoophidia are shorter than the CTPS cytoophidia, and that disruption of ASNS shortens the length of CTPS cytoophidia. However, the deletion of CTPS has no effect on the formation and length of ASNS cytoophidia, or on the ASNS protein level. We also find that Asn1 overexpression induces the formation of a multi-dot structure in diauxic phase which suggests that the increased protein level may trigger cytoophidia formation. Collectively, our results reveal a connection between ASNS cytoophidia and CTPS cytoophidia.