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The Wade-Martins Research Group and visitors in the main foyer in the Kavli Institute Nanoscience for Discovery
The Wade-Martins Research Group and visitors in the main foyer in the Kavli Institute Nanoscience for Discovery, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin building. Front row: Dr Kalina Naidoo, Rebecca Berry, Hannah Newell, Akansha Mehta, Iona Thomas-Wright. Back row: Dr Sarah Pearce, Professor Richard Wade-Martins, Councillor Mark Lygo, Dr Hugo Fernandes, Martin Cowell, Lorraine Dyson.

On 22 May 2024, the Wade-Martins Research Group hosted Councillor Mark Lygo, the recently appointed Vice Chair of Oxfordshire County Council; Hannah Newell, Personal Assistant to the Chair, Oxfordshire County Council; along with Rebecca Berry, the newly appointed Chair of the Parkinson’s UK Oxford Branch; and Martin Cowell, Vice Chair.

The Research Group has a close relationship with the local Parkinson’s UK Oxford Branch and was pleased to describe the work being undertaken in Oxford to identify treatments and a cure for Parkinson’s Disease to senior Councillors and Parkinson’s UK Branch members.

Professor Richard Wade-Martins, welcomed our guests to the Kavli Institute Nanoscience for Discovery, and the visit began with a presentation about the Parkinson’s Disease research being carried out by the Group and across the Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre.

They were given a guided tour of the laboratory research facilities led by Dr Hugo Fernandes. During the tour, the group had the opportunity to meet with laboratory scientists; Dr Kalina Naidoo and Akansha Mehta who showcased the specialist equipment used to support their experiments. The visit concluded with an informal chat with scientists across the Group.

Professor Richard Wade-Martins commented, 'We were delighted to welcome our special guests to the Kavli Institute to showcase our research and to give them a guided tour of our laboratory facilities.'

Rebecca Berry thanked researchers after the visit and said, 'It means so much to our Branch members, and indeed to people with Parkinson’s around the world, to know how much tireless effort the team is putting into understanding and fighting Parkinson’s disease.'

photo shows Professor Richard Wade-Martins giving an introductory talk about the OPDC to our visitors

The above photo shows Professor Richard Wade-Martins giving an introductory talk about the OPDC to our visitors