DPAG’s Professor Dame Frances Ashcroft has launched a new podcast series - A Good Science Read. In each episode Frances and her guests discuss their favourite popular science books, share their love of science and the books they consider most enjoyable and that offer something to everyone. Episodes will be published bi-weekly.
The first episode (live now) is about the story of penicillin, and Frances is joined by guest Professor Matthew Freeman, Head of the Dunn School of Pathology. They discuss the book ‘The mould in Dr Florey’s Coat’ by Eric Lax
Professor Ashcroft is Professor of Physiology at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Trinity College Oxford. Her own books include Life at the Extremes: the science of survival and The Spark of Life: electricity in the human body.
You can listen to the podcast here A Good Science Read | University of Oxford Podcasts