Professor David Paterson, Head of Department, Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology
and Hon. Director Burdon Sanderson Cardiac Science Centre.
"Medicine has been taught and researched in Oxford for over 800 years, and involved many famous names and discoveries. In 2017 the present Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics (DPAG) was ranked number one in the world for Anatomy and Physiology in the Top Universities QS rankings.
DPAG was formed when, in 2006, the Medical Sciences Division merged the University Laboratory of Physiology with the Department of Human Anatomy and Genetics (itself created from the Department of Human Anatomy when Professor Dame Kay Davies FRS became Dr Lee’s Professor of Anatomy). The first Head of the merged Department was Professor Sir George Radda FRS. DPAG now comprises ca 500 FTE staff, has an operating budget of £20M pa and services £135M of research grants."
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