Annual Postdoctoral Retreat 2019
Co-organised with the Biochemistry Postdoctoral Society, taking place at St Anne’s College on 18 October 2019
This day brought together Postdoctoral Research Scientists and Research Assistants from DPAG and the Department of Biochemistry for a day of talks on career options within and beyond academia, and current topics in research and publishing.
The morning session tackled careers in academia, with speakers from the University of Reading, Micron, and Oxford's Chemistry Department, Ludwig Institute and DPAG's Associate Professor Samira Lakhal-Littleton.
The late morning session looked at the future of academia for Postdocs, which included speakers from RisingWISE, Enterprising Oxford, OpenAccessOxford and MRC-UKRI.
After a networking workshop in the early afternoon, the late afternoon session shed light on careers beyond academia, with speakers including a data scientist from Deliveroo, and representatives from a Patent Law company, Oxford Nanoimaging and Oxstem.
View the full programme for the day.
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