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Annual Alzheimer's Research UK Scientific Conference to be held in Manchester in 2016

In 2016, the Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference will take place in Manchester. 

Register your interest now and receive all programme and registration news straight to your email.

ARUK 2015 Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference 2015 was held on 10 - 11 March at the  Senate House, London. This meeting is the UK’s largest dementia research conference, covering a wide range of topics. A scientific committee from University College London has brought together a range of speakers from across the basic, translational and clinical fields, providing something for everyone working in dementia research

Alzheimer’s Research UK welcomed over 400 delegates to the Conference in the Art Deco surrounds of Senate House.  Please see the full programme for all the details of the event.

In addition to the main conference sessions, a PhD day was held on 9 March, designed to give students an opportunity to meet and present work to fellow students, along with a careers event.


To read more about highlights from 2014's successful conference in Oxford, please read the 2014 Conference Report.