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Computational modelling of biological processes and systems has witnessed a remarkable development in recent years. The search-term (modelling OR modeling) yields over 58000 entries in PubMed, with more than 34000 since the year 2000: thus, almost two-thirds of papers appeared in the last 5-6 years, compared to only about one-third in the preceding 5-6 decades. The development is fuelled both by the continuously improving tools and techniques available for bio-mathematical modelling and by the increasing demand in quantitative assessment of element inter-relations in complex biological systems. This has given rise to a worldwide public domain effort to build a computational framework that provides a comprehensive theoretical representation of integrated biological function-the Physiome. The current and next issues of this journal are devoted to a small sub-set of this initiative and address biocomputation and modelling in physiology, illustrating the breadth and depth of experimental data-based model development in biological research from sub-cellular events to whole organ simulations.

Original publication




Journal article


Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci

Publication Date





1099 - 1106


Computer Simulation, Mathematics, Models, Biological, Physiology, Systems Biology